Monday, May 6, 2013

Family Time

We decided to take advantage of David free game of bowling at BYU and take Brantley and Braylee with us. Bray slept most of the time but Brantley had a ball! He loved pushing the balls down the ramp and cheering David and me on!

Notice the scores!! David and I were trying but Brantley was just having fun and he still beat us! 

**9 MONTHS**

She wouldn't hold still for the picture and so this is the best I got!

*Weights 18 pounds 2 ounces (25th almost 50th percentile)
*26.8 inches tall (25th percentile)
* Wears size 3 PAMPERS diapers. I had almost EVERY MORNING a blowout until I found pampers diapers. Huggies worked so good for Brantley but for Braylee nothing keeps her poops in like pampers!
*Wears 6-9 month clothes
*Sleeps 11-12 hours at night
*Takes 2-3 naps a day. One between 9 and 10 for 2-3 hours. Another one between 1 and 2 and will sleep for about 2 hours. Sometimes she will go back down but most times not. She takes naps in my room during the day and at night sleeps in her crib.
* Likes to be swaddled to sleep but sweats so bad. The poor thing!
* Eats 5 times a day. 1 fruit for breakfast between 7:30 and 8:30 with cereal (which she usually fights. She doesn't really like fruit but LOVES all veggies)followed by 4 ounces of milk. Then has a veggie at noon with cereal followed by 4 ounces of milk. She has a 7 ounce bottle around 3 and then eats another veggie with cereal followed by 4 ounces. And then at 7 she gets her last feeding of 4-6 ounces before bed time between 7:30-8:00.
* She is an official crawler.
*Pulls herself up to a standing position on furniture and her crib.
*Says "da da" "ba ba" and lots of other things I can't really distinguish! But I know she refuses to say "ma ma" because I want her to! Stinker!:D
*She is a screamer!!! If she isn't being held or looked at she is probably screaming so someone will look at her or pick her up!
* She is SOOO smilie! You just have to look at her and she bursts into a huge smile, even if you are a stranger!
* LOVES to be outside
* LOVES to be held
*LOVES her big brother. Even though he is usually wrestling with her or squishing her, or playing with her as though she was a two year old. She is very patient!
* She is really a happy little thing and brings us all joy on a daily basis! We love our little princess!

She is a busy busy girl! Love her so much!!

Graduation, Conference, and More Zoo Time

Well I officially graduated!!! It was really a bitter sweet moment walking down the isle with all the other graduates. Walking meant that this was really the end. All the many sleepless nights, papers, tests, group presentations were over. I met some great people. Had some great times and I am grateful for the experience.

 My sweet Grandma Taylor came down to UVU with my Aunt Cass to watch me walk. 
 I was so nervous I would trip, but I did it! I didn't trip at all! 
 Happy Happy Happy
 My cute friend Kat!!!
 My Dad has such a talent while holding Braylee! She won't ever sleep like this with David and she only does it every once in a while with me. But she just sits with my dad for a few minutes and she will be sleeping. Cute girl!


 I wanted to buy a new graduation dress but couldn't find one that I loved. But I decided to pull out my dress that I graduated high school in, and it fit just great!! I saved money and I was tickled pink I could still fit into my dress!

  After my graduation David and I walked over to the bookstore to get me a shirt and halfway there I had to change Brantleys poopy bum. Come to find out it wasn't just poopy it was a massive blowout. It came out his diaper, down his leg getting all over his pants, and on his shoe. I, of course, didn't listen to the spirit that morning telling me to throw in that extra pair of dress pants that I had my hand on as I was packing the diaper bag. So Brantley got to run down the halls dressed real nice minus the pants. BUT we got a new shirt and went to a quick little receiption for my business school and on the way back to the car, David went to put Brantley on his shoulders and realized that he had another blowout. AWESOME! Oh well we had some good laughs. After we got Brantley cleaned the second time we went to lunch where Davids parents treated us to Red Robin (one of our very favorites) YUMMM!
I love this lady!!

Later that night we went to Davids graduation. The kiddo's were quickly getting sick of sitting still but it was worth it seeing David walk across the stage for his Bachelors. He didn't want to walk since he is in the Masters program and goes back to school this fall, but he did it for me. Thats true love.

 Two Happy Graduates

 It was a good day! 

We LOVE conference! Brantley did really good with watching it also and Braylee had nap times about the same time that the sessions started so that was nice that we could focus and the wonderful messages that were shared. 
 This is a tradition that Davids mom does for his dad. She massages his feet. Although she does bare feet with lotion I only do Davids feet with clean socks!

 Brantley enjoyed sitting and eating his Easter Candy!

My cute boys!

My sister-in-law Polly called and invited us to the zoo to celebrate her son Carson's 2nd birthday. We eagerly accepted. Carson is Brantleys favorite cousin on the Smedley side and they are so fun to watch. 


 One of Brantleys favorite things to do at the zoo!


 It was a little on the chilly side but we survived with socks!

We had such a fun day and can't wait until we can go back!