Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I am in a cleaning mood

Since I am in a cleaning mood one of the things I am cleaning out is my readers list of those that really don't read my blog. So let me know if you read our blog so I don't delete you please! Thank you!!!

Also I will be posting soon. I lost my camera cord connector and our card reader. It is still lost, but then I lost my camera. I just found my camera and David gets paid soon so I will be going and getting a new card reader and will post soon.


  1. I do! I enjoy hearing how you guys are doing! I hope everything is going well! Brantley just gets cuter and cuter!

  2. I read your blog and I love it!! =)

  3. I read your blog! :) I love hearing how you guys are doing.

  4. Don't delete me!! Hope you guys are doing well!

  5. Oh Camillie, don't delete me! I love reading your blog and seeing your cute little family! I can't wait for more posts!

  6. I read it thanks. Cute little man you have.
