Sunday, March 7, 2010

Getting to touch a real bear... in the a pretty cool expirence!!!

David and I went, what some people call, bear denning. Which means, we drove 3 hours to get a place where a bear lives, then hiked up a mountain to see some bears in their natural habitat. It was such a neat expirence, I couldn't believe that I was standing next to, let alone touching a real live bear and its cubs in the wild just outside of their den. David got word of this project and it was to neat of an expirence to pass up. The drive was long, we had to leave around 6 in the morning so we would be able to make it to where this place is by 10. We then had to ride with some other people up to where we actually hiked from. The hike was steep but it didn't seem to stop anyone. There was so many people there and of all different ages. we got up there got our pictures with they bears and then had to hike right back down. Because there was so many people there getting out of the traffic was a mess. From the time we got down from the mountain we didn't leave the road to head back to our car for atleast two hours, but the wait was well worth it. Something I would definatly do again!!!

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