Saturday, September 18, 2010

Life in the Smedley household...

Here is a little up date on us...
Camille: I am still enrolled in school, but I did drop one of my classes. Thank heavens. I am so glad I did. I think I am going to like this semester. I like my classes, they are tough, but good. I just hope that I can make it to the end of the semester before this baby decides to come. I also have changed my major AGAIN. This time I changed it from Accounting to Finance. It is actually less required credits but along the same line as accounting but I think I am going to like it lots better.

David: David is still liking his major and job. What am I saying he LOVES his job. In fact, it isn't a job it is play. We also love the fact that he has almost every Saturday off and that he is home so much more. David has been so helpful around the apartment too. I don't usually get home until after 7 to 7:30 and he is usually working on dinner or has it done for us, and has washed a lot of the dishes! I love him so much! He is so good to me!

I was reading a friends blog the other day that has just recently got married. She talked about how much she loves the married life and how she doesn't understand what people are talking about when they tell her that the first part of marriage is hard and transitional. This got me thinking a lot about David and my first year and how hard it was for us. As I look back on those times I realize how we really struggled, there were a lot of factors that went into it, but I look at us now and how happy we are. I have come to really appreciate how difficult that first year was. Not only did it help me in my communication skills (or lack there of) with David, but I also grew to love him more and appreciate him more. I never knew I could love someone so much as I love David. He is my best friend and I can't imagine life with out him. That first year was full of hidden blessings. I wouldn't change anything. I love my life with David and I can't wait to add on to our family.


  1. Great insights Camille. We're so happy that David is so good to you and that you love him so much too!

  2. So glad things are going well for ya! You & David are so cute! I'm so glad you found such a great guy Camille! I can see how in love and happy you both are! :)

  3. It's about time you updated the blog! I have been waiting and waiting.....I loved all of the deets. What a cute couple you guys are. Proud to have you for a sister ;)
