Thursday, December 2, 2010


He is home!! I can hardly believe it. This past month has, at times, felt as though it would never end but at the same time has gone so fast. Brantley has come so far and has made such good progress. He did come home on a heart monitor but David and I are kind of glad. The monitor gives us peace of mind. It tells if his heart rate drops to low or goes to high or if he stops breathing. But since he came home on a monitor we had to stay at the hospital again but this time we got to put him in our room. It was a LONG night for both David and I. We weren't quite sure what to expect but we got a real eye opener into parenthood. Last night when we brought him home was so much better. He sleeps good, he eats pretty good (we are still working on nursing but he does fantastic with a bottle.) and thankfully we haven't had to really use the monitor. He seems to be breathing and heart beating wonderfully.

We went to his first well baby doctor appointment today and he now weighs 6 pounds 14 ounces and if 21 inches long. He is getting so big and is filling out quite nicely. He is becoming a cute little chunky monkey.

Adjusting to parent hood is hard but he is so cute and he makes all the lack of sleep worth it. I love watching him and holding him. I am so glad he is mine. We are home for RSV season and will be locked away for a while. Life is good, we are so blessed and are grateful to everyone for their prayers on our behalf and that we are able to have our baby boy home with us!


  1. YAY! I've been frequently checking. SO incredibly happy for you. what a wonderful feeling to have your boy home with you. Way to hang in there, Camille and David. Let me know if i can get anything for you! Perhaps a dinner sometime soon? love ya!

  2. Im so glad he is home! He is so precious! Love ya!

  3. SO glad he's home safe and sound! What a cute kid! So glad things are going well :) Yes the nurses were nice to have, but lack of sleep is SO worth having him home! Welcome home Brantley!

  4. Yeah, I am so glad he is finally home!! I am glad you guys are prepared to hunker down for RSV season, too many people take their babies out. We need to keep the little guys at home.

  5. That's awesome! I hope he is doing well and that you can get some sleep! I was wondering if he was home, I'm so glad!

  6. I was happy that so far the monitor hasn't gone off. We pray that will continue and that he will nurse better for you. But yes, it's a blessing he will take a bottle so well, so you know he isn't going to starve? Has he had any belly aches yet and cried alot? It seems like David was a pretty easy baby except that he didn't like to sleep muchunless you were holding him. He just liked to take a lot of cat naps and be were you were and he wss a very content baby.

  7. I am sooooo happy for you what a great feeling to bring him home.
