Sunday, December 19, 2010


Brantley--He is doing SO well. We just had another doctors appointment and he now weighs 8 pounds 5 ounces. He is getting so big, the doctor was so impressed with how well he is growing and he thinks that by the time we go back in two weeks for his next appointment he will be 10 pounds. We love having him home. He is such a joy to have. He is now full term. His true birthday is today. I can hardly believe how far we have come in the past two months. He truly is our little miracle baby. The other day he didn't have a very good day, he got a circumcision and all of his shots. It was a rough day for him and me. I was there when the doctor did it and it was not a pleasant experience. I started crying and had to sit down. There is nothing worse that watching your child cry and knowing there is nothing I can do about it. It was horrible. I am so glad he wont be able to remember it. The doctor also said that because he is growing so well that developmentally he should be caught up by 9 months. David and I were thrilled to hear that. He is doing so well. His monitor hardly goes off and when it does it is usually just because his sticky things have come off. And even though they come off a lot and send the alarm off I will be sad to see the monitor go. I love having the security of the monitor. But Brantley is happy, healthy, and such a good baby. He only cries when he is hungry, he loves to cuddle, loves his baths and tolerates mommy's many many kisses so well. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful little boy.

David--Just finished up his semester. He did FANTASTIC. The last couple of weeks were quite a struggle for him with having a new baby at home but he was able to manage helping me out, and helping out around the house and still do his homework and school work. He is a wonderful father and husband. He is so protective of Brantley and takes such good care of him.

Camille--I also just finished up my semester and I have quit my job so that I can stay home with Brantley. My semester didn't go so well, I don't even know if I passed. I am just so glad to have it finally over with. I have decided to take off next semester and I am so excited to have a break. I love being home with Brantley and just being a wife and mother. I am pretty much all healed the doctor has given me the okay to get back to all of my regular activities, thank heavens! I was going crazy not being able to lift anything or really do anything. I also think my body has gotten used to the lack of sleep. Life is wonderful and we are so grateful for all that we have and how well little Brantley has done. We have been very blessed.

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture off to the side with him in his camo holding the rifle, that is just pure awesomeness. I know how you feel about having a hard time with him getting circumcised and getting his shots. I always make Russ be there for that so I can leave the room. I've gotten tougher though, I use to cry when Cody got bili checks, but I was tough when Wyatt had to get his, mostly because I was afraid that Cody was going to hit the MA for hurting his baby brohter.
