Sunday, November 28, 2010


Life is so great!! Today we are on a 12 hour request what does this mean you means Brantley is coming home SOOOO soon!! What it also means is that for 12 hours straight I get to feed Brantley with every feeding when ever HE wants to eat. We can let him go as long as four hours before we have to wake him up to feed him, but he is getting so close.

I have had some amazing showers the past couple of weeks and got some absolutely fantastic things. I will post pictures later. I have some fantastic friends and family. Thank you to everyone!!!

Brantleys room is almost complete. I found a boarder that matches his bed set and I also painted some letters for his name. I can't wait until it is done!!

Brantley is now 37 weeks old and 6 pounds 7 ounces from the last time they weighed him two days ago. He is looking so good and is so cute I just can't get enough of him. Soon we will have him home and I can hardly wait!!!


  1. YEAH!! Brantly is coming home soon. I bet it will be so nice to just have him home so you don't have to keep going out in the cold weather. You will be able to just snuggle with your precious baby. I am so excited for you.

  2. Hooray!!! POST PICS! I am dying here. Can't wait to meet him.

  3. Yeah, so glad that we got to see him today. You and David are doing a great job with him! We hope we get to see him again soon!

  4. Oh, and I will be very interested in seeing the shower pictures and also what you got. Thanks for sharing in advance!
