Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Here I am sitting in the hospital wishing I could hold my baby, make him all better, and take him home, but I can't and he is here with tubes down his nose and mouth. Like I had mentioned before Brantleys heart rate would occasionally drop and his oxygen would drop A LOT well today the doctors are running a test on him because they think he could have acid reflux. This would be the cause for the drop in oxygen and heart rate and if it was the case it is an easier fix. They would just give him some medication. This is great news. The sad news is that he got a brand new tube in addition to the feeding tube put in his nose and another tube in his mouth and down his throat. These stay in for 12 hours to test for the reflux. He looks pure miserable. I can't hold him for fear that we would move the tubes and I can't feed him. I almost started crying when the nurse told me I couldn't hold him, but whatever I have to do to make him come home sooner is what I will do. Other than that everything else is the same. We are still on the two-a-day feedings and everything else seems to be going fine. Tomorrow we will try doing a bottle feeding to see if he will be able to do both a bottle and nurse. If he can do a bottle this could help him come home sooner so hopefully he will do great!


  1. Keep it up Brantley!! You're doin great! :)

  2. OH, the poor little guy. How did the test go? Did he have reflux? I love all the pic. of him. sooooo cute, I just want to hug him and hold him so bad and feel that soft hair! You will be terrific parents.
