Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Brantley....5 Months Old......

Here's what has been happening with Brantley:

*Now weighs 14 pounds 9 ounces *Is 24.6 inches long

*Eats 5-6 ounces every 3 hours

*Smiles all the time at everyone

*Will laugh for mommy (if he is in the mood)

*Rolls over from front to back AND almost from back to front

*loves to stand

*loves being held

*just moved into 3-6 month clothes

*Wears size 3 diapers

*Loves to be swaddled when he goes to sleep

*Talks all the time

*LOVES being outside

*Sleeps like a champ---takes 4-1 hour naps during the day and sleeps 9-10 hours at night. We have a schedule and our day usually goes like this...he wakes up at between 7:30 and 8:00 eats 5-6 ounces which usually takes a half hour then plays for about a half hour then mommy swaddles him up and he goes to sleep usually without any fuss. Sleeps for about an hour wakes up plays for a little bit and then it all starts over until about 8:30 or 9:00. We then change his diaper and put him in his jammers, feed him and once he is done we take him to his bed say a prayer, read scriptures, sing a song, and then mommy or daddy read him a book. He then is put in bed and goes right to sleep and sleeps the whole night through.

*Has had 3 colds this winter season. We are finally coming to the end of his 3rd one but we are still sucking snot...he HATES every minute of it. David and I have recently invested in an automatic snot sucker $20 at Walgreens and we love it, but Brantley sure doesn't.

*The doctor says that in his weight he is only about a month behind (instead of two) and that he thinks that he will be all caught up both mentally and physically by 9 months.

*He still sleeps in our room, but the doctor says to get him in his own bed as soon as his apnea monitor comes off next month but we will see what happens. I just love having him so close to me.

*Started rice cereal...he isn't a big fan but I am sure it will grow on him:D

*Is no longer on Prevacid but still has to have iron every morning and night and a multivitamin in the morning.

*He is just a mellow happy child almost all of the time!!

David and I can't believe how big our little man is getting. We love him so much and can't imagine life without him. We are so grateful he is ours forever.

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