Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Now you see it....and now its almost gone...Brantley is just getting so big and is constantly turning his head that he has almost gotten rid of all the hair on the back of his head...but David and I just can bear to cut any of his hair so it will just probably stay like this for a little while longer.
He loves sitting in the high chair and bumbo so he can look all

around and watch what everyone is doing. He has discovered his fingers and loves chewing on them...he still loves his binkie but when it is no where to be found no fear he has his fingers to play with.
He isn't the biggest fan of rice cereal we would put it in and....

He would spit it out.

Brantley's first time eating cereal

1 comment:

  1. I loved all of your posts. Brantley is so cute in his nigh chair. My, he is growing rapdily and isnt it nice to have him only be a month beind? You are both such good parents and doing so well with him. You are a good Mother, for sure, Camille. Good luck with the upcoming classes this Summer. Love you
