Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Happy Birthday David!!!

Johnny, Mark, Laura

Andy, Chris, Jason
Coventry, Nicholas, Lisa
Tawsha and Justin Hannig
The Big 2-4

Davids day went kinda like this a present with breakfast, a present at school, a present at work, a present at lunch, a present at dinner and a huge suprise for cake and ice cream.

I wanted to make Davids birthday an all day expierence. So I had bought just little things, like a drink and a candy bar, for him to find at the places he went. I had decorated the apartment for when he got up and had made some orange rolls, and then he went to class where Johnny gave him the next present, then to work, and we went to lunch at chick-a-fila (his new favorite place to eat) then later that night we went to eat at Wingers, and then when we got home I had worked it out with my neighbors to come down and give David a big suprise. I am really proud of myself. He didn't expect a thing!

Happy Birthday David!

Sunday, October 25, 2009 hair is gone......ALL GONE!!!

So my hair got to the point where I couldn't handle it anymore so I chopped it.

Originally my goal was to grow it all out then cut it all one length

and I reached half of my goal!!

I cut it all one length!!

I cut a good 4-5 inches off and it feels great!!!

My hair is so easy to do and doesn't take near as much time!!

David even said that he loves it!!

Man I should have done this sooner!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

One purchase I hope we wont have to do for another long long while....

Well a couple of weeks ago Davids laptop broke. So I took it to get it check it out. They told us that it would probably cost more than it was worth to fix it AND I think the laptop came back with more problems than we took it in with, so that we would return and buy a laptop from them. But we didn't we went to Best Buy and made an investment into a HP laptop.
We love it!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Deer Hunt....

Well David put his gun to good use this past weekend. We hiked and hiked all morning long. He hadn't seen a single buck all moring. Well around 4:00 he shot a nice 4 point. He was so excited. I wasn't near him at the time but I had a walkie-talkie with me. I heard some shots, praying that it was David because he just brought this nice gun and he was so excited to use it. Well about three minutes after his shots he got on the walkie-talkie and said
I was so excited for him. As for me, I didn't get one....I guess I missed. I shot at a nice 3-point. It was only about 100 yards away, I shouldn't have missed. I had previously practiced that week when david was sighting in his gun and did fairly well. Well I couldn't believe that I had missed a deer that close, so I hiked all around looking for blood or anything that would signify that I hit it, but I found nothing. I later found out that the gun I was using hadn't been sighted in before the hunt. So next year I will make sure that it is sighted in before I use it.
Never again will I let a buck that nice get away from me!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The first attack of the season...

Well I had my first attack in my self defense class. It was intense. The guy we used as our punching bad was probably 6 feet tall and about 220 pounds. He was a big guy, and probably even more so because he was coming at me at fast speeds. I was shakin like a leaf. I didn't do near as well as I wanted to but I would say for a first time expirence of truely hitting someone I didn't do to bad. We had to yell and kick and hit and get passed him to the door. It was quite the expirence. I almost can't wait for the next time we get another "punching bag" to come in and become victim to about 25 women.

A dream come true...

Well David has been saving for a little over a year and a half for a gun. The saving has been a little here and a little there, but on Monday all of David's hard earned savings was put to good use. HE FINALLY GOT HIS GUN!!! He is so excited! The whole way home it was "will you get it out of the box so I can see it?" and "I can't wait to get home so I can get it out." He was like a little boy on Christmas morning! I am so happy for him...and it is just in time for deer season.

Monday, October 12, 2009

A wave of light...

October 15th is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. Everyone is invited to light a candle on October 15th at 7:00 pm in all time zones all over the world. If everyone lights a candle at 7 pm and keeps it burning for at least one hour, there will be a continuous WAVE OF LIGHT all over the world. Please burn a candle on October 15th in loving memory of our little angel, Easton.

A conference weekend to remember....

Conference weekend was very enjoyable. I had saturday off to enjoy ALL the conference sessions and for a girls night out with MOST my side of the family.
(Kristi, and Celika you were missed!)

We planned on dinner and a movie. We went to dinner at Lucky China where the food was delicious and the company was fantastic.

(My Camera had issues the flash only works when it wants)

After that we were headed to watch Scarlett Pimpernel (as soon as I found a place that carried it.) I checked all over and finally decided to try wal-mart, because wal-mart has pretty much everything and I really needed use the restroom. And when I need to go I need to go. I really can't concentrate on much else on even a bathroom sign.Well when I was walking into walmart I was trying so hard not to have an accident that I couldn't concentrate on anything else. I also just assumed the ladies restroom to always be on the right side well this proved to be a very very wrong mistake. So I went right in, walked into a stall and did my thing, thinking "man it stinks in here, and that is a cool little chair to strap children in while you do your thing. That must be new because I haven't never seen anything like that before" Mean while someone came into the restroom to do thier thing and while HE was drying HIS hands and walking out of the restroom, I came out of the stall. I couldn't believe that a man was in the ladies room. I couldn't believe it. Then I saw them from the coner of my eye....THREE URNALS. I was horrified I couldn't believe I was in the MENS RESTROOM. I wanted to run out of the restroom so no one could see me but I didn't want to leave with out washing my handsbut that is I just thought I would rinse them really fast and just as I got them wet a boy walked in. (I think I kinda startled him)I smiled finished rinsing my hands then quickly left! I felt so dumb but oh well...what can ya do.

As it turns out, Wal-mart did not have the movie. And to make matters worse when I got out to the car the battery was dead and it was out of gas. Luckily Debbie doesn't live that far away from the wal-mart so she saved the day and brought gas, and Cameron brought the cabels to jump the car. And unfortunatly after all was well with the car it was to late to watch a movie. Next time I am sure things will go much smoother, but it was a real exciting night! One to definatly blog about and remember!!

Going to the temple...

I just love it!! I love it even more when David goes with me, but it is really fun when I go with friends too. So last week I decided that I needed to go to the temple because I haven't gone in a long while and nothing was going to stop me. Not the pile of homework, dirty dishes, hungry husband, not the late night off from work. Nothing was going to stop me. I had it all planned out. I wore a dress to work, I made sure I had my temple bag, I am sure that I left my wallet with my temple recommend in my backpack from the night before, I talked to Laura (my friend who lives above me) to make sure we would get there at the same time since I was going straight from work. It was all planned out. I was certain that Satan was not going to get the best of me this time. Well work went good we did get out a little late but it was nothing to worry about since I work only like 10 minutes from the temple. The traffic was wonderful, Laura and I got there about the same time, I got a front roll parking spot, and thinking to my self "wow, I got here in good time with a half hour to spare before the temple closes the doors for the night, I won't have to be in the last session. Satan didn't work very hard to not let me get to the temple tonight." Then it hit me....I had taken my wallet out of my book bag the night before and set it beside the couch and I didn't think about it because David had put his book bag on top of it so I didn't see it when I was going out the door on my way to work. I was so frustrated. I had wanted to go in the temple for so long and it felt like I wouldn't have enough time to drive home and make it back by 8, but I decided to try. And, Satan didn't get the best of me I made it home and back to the temple with 5 minutes to spare. Oh, and what a sweet feeling it was to sit in the temple.
I love the temple and the peace it brings and the feelings that I am left with when I leave!!