Sunday, February 28, 2010
A baby shower....but it wasn't for me...don't worry!!
David will always be a kid at heart...and i wouldn't have it any other way!
Thank Heavens!
A new TV set up...but at what cost????
Once, I got home David and I had our Valentines dinner then we started bringing it in...we found out after a few tries that it didn't fit in the front door so we had to carry it all around back and carry it up the stairs. Luckily our neighbor Andy came home and helped David carry it up our stairs so I didn't have to, but they struggled. We are so gratful for Andy and his willingness to help us out. We do love our new set up. Thanks Byron and Keri!!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Valentine’s Day…The best one yet!!!
Well I had one of the best Valentine's yet…of my whole life, and quite honestly it wasn't anything super spectacular it was simple and easy and just time I got to spend with David. I went up to West Point to get a new TV (I will tell that story later) anyway by the time I got back I was running late and David wasn't home yet but he told me he was going to pick up dinner. So when David got home I went in the other room while he set up the table. Then he came and got me out of our room.
He had set the table with candles, flowers and he got Olive Garden to eat, and he played cute music (after we blessed the food). It was so cute!! I probably started to cry. After we were done eating we went into the living room and we danced. Who knew I married such a romantic! After we were done dancing and eating we set up our new entertainment center and tv and we watched a movie. It was a perfect ending to a perfect evening. I love David with all my heart! I am so grateful that he is mine!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Well are we going to move or not??
Well after much fasting and prayer and a lot of advice from family and friends we have decided NOT to move. We feel that it would be a real blessing to move there but not at the same time. We feel that we will be just fine where we are at currently. We are actually hoping that David will be getting an internship here in March that would actually take him away for most of the summer days so living at the mortuary would definately not work. So, we are staying put and we both feel really good about it.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
My mini laptop
WHOOO Go David!!!
Well David is doing very well this semester. I think it is because he is finally in his major and taking classes he likes. Last week he took a test and got in the 80's and yesterday he took another test and got 100%. He is doing so well, and I am so proud of him. GO DAVE!!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
My lesson went well...well at least I didn't cry...that much
I really do love my new is hard and at times overwhelming, but very rewarding (for me!) When I have heard relief society teachers say that they lessons they prepared must have been just for them because it is what they needed I never fully understood until now. I have come to realize that as I am preparing for a lesson it really is EXACTLY what I am needing to hear. I am grateful that Heavenly Father has enough faith in me that he has trusted me with this new calling. I hope and pray that I will be an instrument in his hands to teach those around me the things that He would have me teach. Also thank you to everyone who has prayed in my behalf for my last lesson, I truly believe in the power of prayer and I know that I was blessed.
Well David and I might be moving....
Now before I tell you where, just remember it is not as bad as it seems. Okay so the other day David and I were driving and just talking about dreams and whatever and I told Dave about one dream that I have to live in a mortuary. I know that sounds kind of morbid but it really isn't. A long time ago I had a health teacher that told us about when she was first married and that they lived in one and it was free rent, and I am all about free rent. Anyway, the next day a guy David knows, out of the middle of no where told him that their is an opening a a mortuary in Provo that is looking for a couple to move in. It is free rent, plus they would pay us $300.00 just to live there and answer phones. The only problem is all time consuming. We would have to be there weekdays from 5pm to 8am and saturdays from 3pm until Monday morning at 8am. Yes that means no church no vacations, no holidays unless we can find someone that is willing to come to our apartment and stay there while we are gone. I hope it works out. It would be so nice to live there. It is only for a year, and I think it would be well worth it, but I will keep you posted on what we decide to do.
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