Our last camping trip for the summer, we got to go to Marsh Lake. I love Marsh, it is my favorite camping spot. It was definitely colder than fish lake but I loved it. We missed having the rest of the family up there. I can't wait until next year until we can go again and hopefully the rest of the family can come too.
My beautiful Marsh Lake
Little Bradley is so friendly, you have to watch him carefully. This time he wandered over to strike up conversation with the neighbors.
Bradley and Bryant
Bradley and Bryant
Little Lilly playing in the rocks
We had been sleeping in my parents trailer but they went home Friday and we wanted to stay one more night, so David brought a tent that he thought was a 3 man tent but it turns out it was a 1 and not really meant for people over 5 foot.
Our legs were cramped all night long but it made for a good adventure!
Grandma, Bradley, and Keri coming back from the river
Byron and Lilly coming back from the river
David cutting our wood....what a good man!
We hiked around the lake and saw many fun animals
I would love to go there someday with you guys. I know it is your family thing, but I still would love to go! Farkle is so addicting. I played it on facebook! I have been waiting for you to update your blog for SOOOO long! Loved all the pics. The sunset and the family birthday party looked so fun! David's toe touch off the diving board is hilarious! I do have one correction though, it is Rachelle and her beautiful kiddos, not Stephanie. I am sure it doesn't matter and we have a thousand cousins! Hey, at least you got the right family! :)