Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy 25th Birthday David
A Brantley Update
I can't believe he is already 7 days old! This time last week was a day that I will never forget! Brantley is doing SO well. His jaundice has gone down so he is no longer on any lights. He will be on, what the hospital considers, full feedings tomorrow as long has everything goes as it should. I should be able to start breast feeding him by hopefully next Sunday. He is breathing great and in this next week or two he will start loosing the many cords he has attached to him. He also is starting to gain his weight back. Last Wednesday he had lost about 7 ounces taking him to a weight of 3 pounds 14 ounces. Yesterday he weighed exactly 4 pounds! We are so excited! I am amazed at how much love I have for this little guy. When I am not with him I feel like there is a piece of me missing. I love the little guy so much and soon we will be able to bring him home!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
A little update...
I am going to get pictures up as soon as I can. I just wasn't able to get them up at the hospital because I didn't have my cord to hook up my camera and since I have been home, life has been crazy.
*I didn't get a whole lot of stretch marks, I missed the worst couple of months with growing.
*I have been in a lot of pain with a c-section and when I get to bring him home I should be all healed and able to take care of him the best way possible.
*I will definitely be prepared for when he comes home. His room is now almost done. His crib is all set up. I am getting things organized and in order, this may not have happened had he come on time. Since I know the kind of procrastinator that I am.
These are just a few. I truly am grateful to have Brantley here. He is a joy in my life already!
Brantley is doing so well. Now five days old, I can't believe how much I love the little guy! He just has me wrapped around his tiny little finger!! He is doing a fantastic job breathing. The nurses only occasionally have to give him air. He has been taken off all antibiotics. He had lost about 7 ounces since being in the NICU (which is normal) but he is starting to gain some weight back. Over the past two days he has gained 10 grams. That doesn't seem like a lot but we are happy that he has stopped losing and is now going the other direction. He is doing well on his feedings. I plan on breast feeding, but right now where he was born so early I am not able to so I just have to pump and then they have been giving him a little bit a milk every 3 hours. They have been increasing them every day and soon when he gets to what the hospital considers full feedings I can start breast feeding. I can hardly wait. He just keeps improving. The only thing that hasn't improved is his jaundice. So they have him under the special lights. But other than that he is doing great! I love watching him! When I walk in and go and touch him and talk to him he usually opens his eyes and tries to find me. I LOVE it! He does the same thing with David. I am just amazed at the love we have for him! He has truly been a little miracle in our lives! AND I thank you again to everyone who has prayed and fasted on our behalf. We know the power of prayer, and we have really felt it this past week!Me
I came home from the hospital on Wednesday and I was so sore, well I still am, but it has gotten better every day. I still have a hard time sitting for a long time, it hurts to stand and walk and my back hurts but other than that I am good. I had a hard time coming home from the hospital. This wasn't exactly how I was expecting my pregnancy to go. I can't help but feel jealous of the other mothers in the hospital that get to have there baby's with them right away, or take them home after two days. That is what I want. I don't want to have to go to the hospital everyday to see my baby hooked up to machines and only get to hold him for an hour at a time because he has to go back under lights or warmers. BUT I know that this has all happened for a reason. I know Brantley is in the best of care. The nurses have been SO great! They take such great care of him and answer any questions that we have and are always so nice. I have such great respect for those nurses. They are so special in so many ways! I have tried to find the positives for Brantley being in the hospital and coming early and not being able to come home with us right away. Here are some that I have come up with.*I didn't get a whole lot of stretch marks, I missed the worst couple of months with growing.
*I have been in a lot of pain with a c-section and when I get to bring him home I should be all healed and able to take care of him the best way possible.
*I will definitely be prepared for when he comes home. His room is now almost done. His crib is all set up. I am getting things organized and in order, this may not have happened had he come on time. Since I know the kind of procrastinator that I am.
These are just a few. I truly am grateful to have Brantley here. He is a joy in my life already!
Let me just say what a wonderful dad David is! I love watching him hold Brantley and look at him and just love him. He is already so very protective and such a proud daddy. He has been so good to me. He wants so badly to do whatever he can to be the best he can be for both Brantley and I. He has helped me out so much. Helping me recover and doing whatever he can to make me comfortable. He worries about Brantley and was so wonderful at the hospital. He took care of everything when I was completely knocked out with medication. He watched over Brantley, helped me pump, fed me, helped me get in and out of the bathroom and out of bed to go anywhere. I just love him SO MUCH! I can't believe I have such a wonderful husband and father to my children! He is so great!
Monday, October 25, 2010
**Our Labor Story**
Friday October 22, 2010
I worked all day, but through out the day I would get these little feelings of pain. My belly would tighten and I would feel a ton of pressure down lower. These pains only lasted maybe a minute and then they would go away and wouldn't return for hours. I just figured it was Brantley trying to move so I didn't think a thing of it. After I got off work I went home and David and I packed our things for the deer hunt and left. On the way up I was getting those pains about every 15 minutes, they would last about a minute then go away. I told David that I think this might be what false labor is. David was getting worried and said multiple times "we are turning around" but me being stubborn me, said no. When we made it up the where the rest of my family was the contractions had stopped and I didn't think about them again until I woke up.
Saturday October 23, 2010
I woke up while David was getting ready to leave, still no pain. I had even kind of forgot about the night before until about 11:00am when the contractions started again and not only did they start they were about 10 minutes apart. I still wasn't to worried. I had been expecting to get false labor pains. I just didn't know how to expect them. No one told me how they were supposed to be. So throughout the day when they would come on I would freeze where ever I was at until they passed. About 3 I asked my mom about labor pains and told her about mine. She kept saying to me "mine were like that", 'we can't have a baby up here" needless to say I had her worried, but still I felt like everything was okay. David got back around 7 HE SHOT HIS BUCK, congrats David! and when he got there I told him how proud Brantley and I were of him and that I was having contractions about every 5 minutes. David almost picked me up and put me in the truck right then, but again me being my stubborn self instead that I was fine, but not only that I was hungry. I had waited and waited for him to get back. So I went back into the trailer while David and my brother Cameron hung their deer in a tree. While they were hanging the deer David told him about my contractions (My brother Cameron has three children, his wife when she was pregnant was always having false labor pains. They told me that they practically lived at the hospital, but every time they went she got sent back home. Although during all their visits they learned that not drinking enough water, going to higher altitudes things like this can bring on false labor. I hadn't had hardly anything to drink so my family had me down about 4 to 5 bottles and David decided that we were going home. I finally agreed but not without first having a blessing. David, Cameron, and my dad went and cut the deer out of the tree and then came back in to give me a blessing. (Cameron cut down his deer so he could follow us home and make sure both of us made it over the snowy pass alright. David's truck is going out, and so is Cameron's durango. So we thought it would be best to follow each other as far as we could.) The blessing was beautiful. David did a wonderful job. In the blessing he said that the baby would not come at a time when the needed medical attention was available and that also I would have time to prepare to have this baby. After the blessing we got in our vehicles and left. We all made it home safely. When I got home I took a warm bath, this was another thing that was supposed to help, after I was done with that I took a quick shower and when I got out the contractions had not stopped in fact they had increased from 2-4 minutes. I decided that maybe I would try to sleep, it worked other times for cramps and things but around 2 I decided I had had enough.
Sunday October 24, 2010
Around 2 we left the apartment, with the contractions still around 2-4 minutes. As we drove I could feel the contractions spacing apart and by the time we got to the hospital they were gone. We sat in the parking lot for at lease 15 minutes trying to debate whether or not to go in. I was so afraid that if I went in, they would just send me home and I would have to pay something like 500 dollars to see the doctor just to hear him say "it is just fake pain, your not in labor there is nothing to worry about". I hadn't had a pain in 15 minutes so I told David to just go home. They are going away, he nicely said lets wait for a few more minutes. I am glad we did, I had a contraction not even a minute later and it was a bad one. So I consented and we went in. They had me wheeled right up the labor and delivery room. Had me undress and put one of those beautiful gowns on. Then I laid down on the table. A super sweet nurse came in, took a test that would show if I was going to deliver with in the next two weeks and then felt my cervix. Her face kind of went blank and she didn't say anything, but when she stood up she said that she might have felt "little feeties" but she wasn't sure and was going to get a second opinion. So the next nurse came in and definitely felt something your not supposed to be able to feel. She informed me that I was dilated to about a 5 and 90% effaced. I asked about when they planned on sending me home or if they were going to take the baby. She wasn't sure whether or not they would take the baby, but I definitely wasn't going to leave. They would either keep me in a room trying to pro-long the birth for as long as possible or they might take him tonight. We just had to get my doctors opinion. So they called the doctor, he got there in about 10 minutes. The baby was still breech and after he felt me he stood up and said well were going to have a baby tonight, we are going to do an emergency c-section. David and I were both so worried what would happen to Brantley being 8 weeks early. The doctor was very optimistic and told us that he thinks the baby will be just fine. He will just have to stay in the NICU for a while. The next couple of hours were a blur. I got an epidural, multiple other shots and inserts. They took me to the surgery room got me all set up and delivered baby Brantley. He didn't cry when he came out, maybe that was because they took him away so fast. David got to go with him. He was born at 3:46am October 24th, 2010. He weighed 4 pounds 6 ounces. Lots of dark black hair, David's forehead and my families nose. He is so adorable and I still can't believe he is all mine. They kept drugs in me for most of the day and I was so tired. David kept the tab on the baby and how he was doing. My mom drove down and has been wonderful to have around. We have received a ton of calls and prayers on our behalf and I am so grateful to everyone. We have definitely been feeling the power of prayer.
Monday October 25, 2010
Brantley is doing SOO well. They took him off the ventilator and he has been breathing on his own and doing very well. The nurse was worried about some bruising on his arms and finger tips so she took a text and it turns out Brantley has a low blood clotting factor. Which means it just takes him twice as long for his blood to clot. They were thinking of taking a brain scan to see if his head was bleeding, but we aren't quite sure if they did the scan or not. But we did get to go hold him, and I got to change his diaper. I have pictures I will post a little later. So far everything is going well. I am super super sore but Brantley is worth every pain. He is continuing to do better and better maybe we might be able to take him home sooner rather than later. We have had wonderful nurses, and doctors. I am so grateful to everyone that has helped David, Brantley, and I out. Whether it be through prayers, a phone call, a text message, or what all the nurses and doctors have done or whatever else THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU it really means more than anyone will ever know.
I worked all day, but through out the day I would get these little feelings of pain. My belly would tighten and I would feel a ton of pressure down lower. These pains only lasted maybe a minute and then they would go away and wouldn't return for hours. I just figured it was Brantley trying to move so I didn't think a thing of it. After I got off work I went home and David and I packed our things for the deer hunt and left. On the way up I was getting those pains about every 15 minutes, they would last about a minute then go away. I told David that I think this might be what false labor is. David was getting worried and said multiple times "we are turning around" but me being stubborn me, said no. When we made it up the where the rest of my family was the contractions had stopped and I didn't think about them again until I woke up.
Saturday October 23, 2010
I woke up while David was getting ready to leave, still no pain. I had even kind of forgot about the night before until about 11:00am when the contractions started again and not only did they start they were about 10 minutes apart. I still wasn't to worried. I had been expecting to get false labor pains. I just didn't know how to expect them. No one told me how they were supposed to be. So throughout the day when they would come on I would freeze where ever I was at until they passed. About 3 I asked my mom about labor pains and told her about mine. She kept saying to me "mine were like that", 'we can't have a baby up here" needless to say I had her worried, but still I felt like everything was okay. David got back around 7 HE SHOT HIS BUCK, congrats David! and when he got there I told him how proud Brantley and I were of him and that I was having contractions about every 5 minutes. David almost picked me up and put me in the truck right then, but again me being my stubborn self instead that I was fine, but not only that I was hungry. I had waited and waited for him to get back. So I went back into the trailer while David and my brother Cameron hung their deer in a tree. While they were hanging the deer David told him about my contractions (My brother Cameron has three children, his wife when she was pregnant was always having false labor pains. They told me that they practically lived at the hospital, but every time they went she got sent back home. Although during all their visits they learned that not drinking enough water, going to higher altitudes things like this can bring on false labor. I hadn't had hardly anything to drink so my family had me down about 4 to 5 bottles and David decided that we were going home. I finally agreed but not without first having a blessing. David, Cameron, and my dad went and cut the deer out of the tree and then came back in to give me a blessing. (Cameron cut down his deer so he could follow us home and make sure both of us made it over the snowy pass alright. David's truck is going out, and so is Cameron's durango. So we thought it would be best to follow each other as far as we could.) The blessing was beautiful. David did a wonderful job. In the blessing he said that the baby would not come at a time when the needed medical attention was available and that also I would have time to prepare to have this baby. After the blessing we got in our vehicles and left. We all made it home safely. When I got home I took a warm bath, this was another thing that was supposed to help, after I was done with that I took a quick shower and when I got out the contractions had not stopped in fact they had increased from 2-4 minutes. I decided that maybe I would try to sleep, it worked other times for cramps and things but around 2 I decided I had had enough.
Sunday October 24, 2010
Around 2 we left the apartment, with the contractions still around 2-4 minutes. As we drove I could feel the contractions spacing apart and by the time we got to the hospital they were gone. We sat in the parking lot for at lease 15 minutes trying to debate whether or not to go in. I was so afraid that if I went in, they would just send me home and I would have to pay something like 500 dollars to see the doctor just to hear him say "it is just fake pain, your not in labor there is nothing to worry about". I hadn't had a pain in 15 minutes so I told David to just go home. They are going away, he nicely said lets wait for a few more minutes. I am glad we did, I had a contraction not even a minute later and it was a bad one. So I consented and we went in. They had me wheeled right up the labor and delivery room. Had me undress and put one of those beautiful gowns on. Then I laid down on the table. A super sweet nurse came in, took a test that would show if I was going to deliver with in the next two weeks and then felt my cervix. Her face kind of went blank and she didn't say anything, but when she stood up she said that she might have felt "little feeties" but she wasn't sure and was going to get a second opinion. So the next nurse came in and definitely felt something your not supposed to be able to feel. She informed me that I was dilated to about a 5 and 90% effaced. I asked about when they planned on sending me home or if they were going to take the baby. She wasn't sure whether or not they would take the baby, but I definitely wasn't going to leave. They would either keep me in a room trying to pro-long the birth for as long as possible or they might take him tonight. We just had to get my doctors opinion. So they called the doctor, he got there in about 10 minutes. The baby was still breech and after he felt me he stood up and said well were going to have a baby tonight, we are going to do an emergency c-section. David and I were both so worried what would happen to Brantley being 8 weeks early. The doctor was very optimistic and told us that he thinks the baby will be just fine. He will just have to stay in the NICU for a while. The next couple of hours were a blur. I got an epidural, multiple other shots and inserts. They took me to the surgery room got me all set up and delivered baby Brantley. He didn't cry when he came out, maybe that was because they took him away so fast. David got to go with him. He was born at 3:46am October 24th, 2010. He weighed 4 pounds 6 ounces. Lots of dark black hair, David's forehead and my families nose. He is so adorable and I still can't believe he is all mine. They kept drugs in me for most of the day and I was so tired. David kept the tab on the baby and how he was doing. My mom drove down and has been wonderful to have around. We have received a ton of calls and prayers on our behalf and I am so grateful to everyone. We have definitely been feeling the power of prayer.
Monday October 25, 2010
Brantley is doing SOO well. They took him off the ventilator and he has been breathing on his own and doing very well. The nurse was worried about some bruising on his arms and finger tips so she took a text and it turns out Brantley has a low blood clotting factor. Which means it just takes him twice as long for his blood to clot. They were thinking of taking a brain scan to see if his head was bleeding, but we aren't quite sure if they did the scan or not. But we did get to go hold him, and I got to change his diaper. I have pictures I will post a little later. So far everything is going well. I am super super sore but Brantley is worth every pain. He is continuing to do better and better maybe we might be able to take him home sooner rather than later. We have had wonderful nurses, and doctors. I am so grateful to everyone that has helped David, Brantley, and I out. Whether it be through prayers, a phone call, a text message, or what all the nurses and doctors have done or whatever else THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU it really means more than anyone will ever know.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
*8 Months*....almost
So today I am 31 weeks and 3 days. I am just going to round up and say I am 32 weeks or 8 months. Time has flown by and that I only have about 8 weeks left until David and I get to meet our little Brantley. We can hardly wait. This past month has been a very busy and exciting one. Here are some things that have happened.
*I got my first stretch marks!!!
*We have had a couple of doctors appointments and one of them was a 3D ultrasound
*I have been having some really sever pain on my upper rib cage. My ribs hurt, and they constantly feel like I am burning, and everyone once in a while I get super sharp stabbing pains. Well I talked to the doctor about this and he said, it happens. When the baby is growing and moving around the rib cage sometimes expands and you can feel like you have broken ribs. While this news did make me feel slightly at ease I still have the pain but oh well Brantley is okay.
*I ordered Brantley a whole bunch of books from Scholastic (Thanks Deb)
*I had my first baby shower, and Brantley and I were spoiled with so many great things.
*I had my shot rhogam shot, and as I feared it was in my hip. It didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would.
*We got to see little Brantley's face for the first time with the 3D ultra sound. I am not going to lie, he did look a little distorted but the doctor assured David and I that is not how he is really going to look, and that the ultra sound doesn't give a very good picture. But either way. I was so happy to see him. I think he is going to have the Kroeger nose and big cheeks. I also noticed in the ultra sound that he always had one arm above his head (which is what I always do when I am sleeping)
* He is about 3.5 pounds
*I have gained about 27 from the beginning of my pregnancy.
*I have found a way to roll over at night, so I don't wake COMPLETELY up and I sleep better and longer now. BUT it still isn't a great nights sleep.
*I love when David talks to Brantley and uses his name.
*I still love when David (or people in general) tell me I look big.
*I found a fantastic maternity store in Layton. It is called Honey Bump Maternity it is like a Plato's closet but for only maternity clothes.
*I no longer comfortably fit into my non maternity clothes, so I am down to about 5 shirts and 5 pants.
*I have discover that a little bit of nausea is coming back, not cool, but as long as I am eating regularly I am good.
*We discovered that Brantley is breech, but we aren't worried yet about it. He has a couple of weeks to turn and if he doesn't we will be going the c-section route.
*He is definitely a boy!! I had the doctor triple check! Just to be on the safe side.
Pregnancy is going well, but I can't wait until I can bend over and tie my shoes, or shave my legs comfortably again. I love feeling Brantley move, but what will be even better is feeling him move in my arms instead of my belly. I love this little guy and can't wait to see him in person.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Whats been Happening at the Smedley Household
So David and I have been super busy lately here are somethings that have been going on.
Number 1
We live in a two bedroom apartment. Both of the rooms are pretty good size but one is slightly bigger than the other so of course when we moved in we put our room in the big one. The second bedroom was used as an exercise/office/storage/new baby room. Also, since last summer the apartment manager put in a window swamp cooler in that room. I have been asking, more like begging, David to switch rooms since we found out we were pregnant. Mostly because I realized that having a baby (that hopefully takes naps) would be in his room during the hottest part of the day and with that window swamp makes that room freezing cold which means we would have to shut off the cooler and the rest of the apartment would be so uncomfortably hot. The room was also so cramped that switching rooms would leave more space for the baby and David's bowflex. So switching rooms would be in the best interest of everyone including the baby. So after much begging David gave in and we undertook the task that I thought we could knock out in one day but it took a couple. Our house was a disaster! Poor David had to do most of the heavy lifting, but he was such a good sport and we are both so glad that we switched rooms. The baby's room has more space and now I am pushing to get rid of the bowflex because (for now) it fits! Now I can't wait to start decorating Brantley's room with John Deere tractors and farm things!
Number 2
Life is good, busy but good. This month is one for traveling. we have so many things going on this month that I am ALMOST going to be glad when it is over so we can just sit down and relax, but when is life ever slow. Here are some things we have this month. 2 Family dinners (one for my family and one for Davids), a baby shower (I will blog about that later), deer hunt, elk hunt, and a halloween party. That is a lot in gas, but totally worth every gallon and dollar.
Number 1
We live in a two bedroom apartment. Both of the rooms are pretty good size but one is slightly bigger than the other so of course when we moved in we put our room in the big one. The second bedroom was used as an exercise/office/storage/new baby room. Also, since last summer the apartment manager put in a window swamp cooler in that room. I have been asking, more like begging, David to switch rooms since we found out we were pregnant. Mostly because I realized that having a baby (that hopefully takes naps) would be in his room during the hottest part of the day and with that window swamp makes that room freezing cold which means we would have to shut off the cooler and the rest of the apartment would be so uncomfortably hot. The room was also so cramped that switching rooms would leave more space for the baby and David's bowflex. So switching rooms would be in the best interest of everyone including the baby. So after much begging David gave in and we undertook the task that I thought we could knock out in one day but it took a couple. Our house was a disaster! Poor David had to do most of the heavy lifting, but he was such a good sport and we are both so glad that we switched rooms. The baby's room has more space and now I am pushing to get rid of the bowflex because (for now) it fits! Now I can't wait to start decorating Brantley's room with John Deere tractors and farm things!
Number 2
Life is good, busy but good. This month is one for traveling. we have so many things going on this month that I am ALMOST going to be glad when it is over so we can just sit down and relax, but when is life ever slow. Here are some things we have this month. 2 Family dinners (one for my family and one for Davids), a baby shower (I will blog about that later), deer hunt, elk hunt, and a halloween party. That is a lot in gas, but totally worth every gallon and dollar.
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