Friday, October 29, 2010

***Brantley Chlarson Smedley***

(Sorry the picture wouldn't turn)


  1. Oh Camille he is SOOO adorable!! I have to say... I think he looks alot like David in these pics ;) Oh my goodness what a perfect baby boy! I have been so anxious to see pictures! :) Congrats again!! I am SO happy for you!

  2. Oh my goodness, he's adorable! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys! I hope all is well and you are able to take him home soon!

  3. He is beautiful and perfect!! Congrats. You are going to have SO MUCH FUN with him. New babies are so precious.

  4. He is so beautiful Camille!!! Congrats you two! he will be home before you know it!

  5. OH my gosh he is so cute! I cant wait to meet him. Love you millie :)

  6. Thanks for putting on those new pictures. Now I can see how little he really is. He is just such a beautiful little boy. We sure love him so much!
