Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy 25th Birthday David

So this week has been a crazy one. We definitely weren't expecting our little bundle of joy but we are glad that he is here. BUT because it was such a crazy week some things kind of got neglected. Unfortunately that thing was actually a person named David. David's birthday was on Thursday!! HE IS NOW 25!! I had originally planned on making him breakfast, doing fun little things for him through out the day, fajitas for dinner, and surprising him with the birthday present he has been wanting for a very long time and a present I have been saving for, for a very long time. An IPOD touch. Well being in the hospital until Wednesday and being so sore I could hardly move on Thursday. I didn't get anything done. I felt so bad. He did get a present from his parents, that he was able to open. A beautiful hand stitched tie from Cambodia (I will post pictures later) and some money. But I have tried to make it up. I did make cupcakes and get ice cream and I sang Happy Birthday to him yesterday. So at least he got sang to, and had cake and ice cream. I am also still working on the present. but HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID! Next year I will do much better!

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing that you made cupcakes and got ice-cream. Especially because you are stil sore too! That was a gift of love doing it in pain! I'm sure he loved it.
