Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Grandma Great Taylor and Brantley

This isn't the first time my wonderful grandma Taylor has met Brantley just the first time that I remembered to take a picture.
I love this woman and I am glad that I finally got a picture with her and Brantley together!

Sleepovers....I love them!!!

So this past weekend I had a few of my favorite cousins over! This is the second sleepover I have had and I love doing them. I never had any sisters of my own so these girls become my little sisters for a day. This time they slept over we went to the Bean Museum. I love it there, they have so many cool animals.
After that we went back to my apartment and ate pizza, bread sticks, root beer floats, popcorn, and starbursts. We played Disney's Sing It and watched Princess Diaries 2. And in the morning David made a delicious breakfast of waffles, bacon, eggs, hash browns and orange juice.

I can hardly wait until the next sleepover in July!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Great Neighbors

We love where we live. We have almost lived at this apartment for 3 years and loved almost every minute of it. There are some things that we wouldn't mind being a little different like a dishwasher but it is great here. AND we love our neighbors. The other night we had a delicious Sunday dinner and we invited some of them over.
Joseph and Seliena

Cameron and Christyn

A party for kids.... I mean ADULTS

So I was reading on one of my friends blogs the other day and she threw a kid themed party. She is always full of such cute fun ideas. Well I decided that I needed to spice up our dating life so I decided to throw a kid party too. We invited a few of our friends over and had a great timeWe played "chubby bunny"---really only the guys played it the girls just watched and laughed.

We also played finger paint pictionary with chocolate pudding.
and we built towers out of marshmellows, toothpicks, and popsicles sticks

More random pictures of Brantley

Brantley loves the love sac. I was holding him the other day and needed to go do something so I set him down in it for just a minute and when I came back into the room I found him like this... He is always sleeping with his hands up and out and not touching cracks me and David right up

Our little man is getting so big...

But he is still very small!!!


Brantley LOVES and I mean LOVES his baths!! He hardly ever cries and he just sits there and splashes. David and I can usually get huge smiles out of him while he is in there.

David wants to cut his hair....but I just can't let him do it!!!

Uncle Craig and Brantley

Brantley got to meet his great Uncle Craig at his great great aunts funeral.

Something I forgot to mention

In February I had a fun little get together with some of my old friends. One of my friends named Che had baby Kamren about a month after I had Brantley. It was so fun!! Little Baby Kamren and Brantley

Brantley and Kamren are about the same size even though Brantley is a month older. What cute little men!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Brantleys new friend and mad skill....

LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT...Our neighbors across the hall have a little girl named Lauren and we sat them down next to each other. She is almost exactly one month older than Brantley and they are almost the same size. She is still a little bigger but Brantley is catching up. But not very long after we laid them by each other Lauren had grab a hold of Brantleys hand and put it in her cute!!!


During tummy time today Brantley surprised me with his new still.....ROLLING OVER!! I am so excited. He only rolls from his tummy to his back but still...I am so proud of my little man!!

I know these videos are about the same but I couldn't help it but put them all on anyway.

Brantley saying another hello

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My spare time...

Well I have been looking for a way to spend my spare time and I have decided to catch up on my scrap booking. Brantley's book is all caught up but mine and David's were seriously lacking. I have been working hard on mine and so far I have almost all of my pictures (that I have) put in from birth until now. I am loving it.

Also, one of my new years resolution was to do some kind of craft once a month. This is one that I have been working on since January and it isn't quite finished yet. This is my wall of family. Inspired by my super creative sister-in-law Debbie and the saying "All because two people fell in love"

In January I got my shelves from Hobby Lobby (love that place) sanded and painted them and got them put up on my wall.

In February I got my picture frames and have been collecting pictures. The top shelf is both of David and my grandparents and parents. I would probably have it done by now if we lived closer to family but it will get done soon enough. I also created a to-do-list. I love being able to check things off a list so I made one up and got it laminated.

For March--I am still deciding what to do but I post pictures when ever I am done with it.

The latest pictures and videos of Brantley

Sorry I forget to hold my camera different and the video wont turn. BUT in this video you can hear Brantley giggle. David doesn't think so and maybe it is just my wishing but I am certain that he giggled. But even if he didn't he is still dang cute!!

I couldn't help but load this one too no giggles just lots of smiling and talking and a little bit of spitting up:D

The last straw

When David and I moved into our apartment we got on KSL and found a sweet deal on a pair of well aged washer and dryer. The dryer works okay but the washing machine I felt never got our clothes clean enough. But I put up with it. I put up with the stains not coming out and the new stains that appeared after being in the wash and the noise from the machine rattling BUT the last straw was the washing machine destroying my bathroom rugs. That was it!!! So David and I went out and bought us a beautiful new washing machine from RC Willey's. AND we got a steal of a deal. It is a red front loader that cleans my clothes and doesn't put in new stains and hardly makes any noise at all. I think some of the previous stains have even come out. I love this new machine and we got it for only $480 minus 50 bucks in a rebate for buying such an efficient washing machine. AND it was brand spanking new!! Welcome home beautiful washing machine. Welcome home!