Tuesday, March 15, 2011

More random pictures of Brantley

Brantley loves the love sac. I was holding him the other day and needed to go do something so I set him down in it for just a minute and when I came back into the room I found him like this... He is always sleeping with his hands up and out and not touching anything...it cracks me and David right up

Our little man is getting so big...

But he is still very small!!!


Brantley LOVES and I mean LOVES his baths!! He hardly ever cries and he just sits there and splashes. David and I can usually get huge smiles out of him while he is in there.

David wants to cut his hair....but I just can't let him do it!!!

Uncle Craig and Brantley

Brantley got to meet his great Uncle Craig at his great great aunts funeral.


  1. I loved these pictures too! The one in the love sack close then zoomed out was precious. yes, he is still a little one. I just cut David's hair so it would be out of his eyes. It was always falling in his eyes. It grew so fast that I kept it trimmed just above his eyebrows every month! But I didnt' touch the rest and kept that nice soft baby hair until we had to trim around the ears, etc. Don't blame you for not wanting it all cut! He is a doll. I'm glad you could get a picture of Uncle Craig holding Brantley. Someone told me that David and Benjamin were pall bearers at Aunt Marilyn's funeral. Didn't know that. That is an honor!

  2. Don't cut his hair!! :) It's SO cute! :)
