Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The last straw

When David and I moved into our apartment we got on KSL and found a sweet deal on a pair of well aged washer and dryer. The dryer works okay but the washing machine I felt never got our clothes clean enough. But I put up with it. I put up with the stains not coming out and the new stains that appeared after being in the wash and the noise from the machine rattling BUT the last straw was the washing machine destroying my bathroom rugs. That was it!!! So David and I went out and bought us a beautiful new washing machine from RC Willey's. AND we got a steal of a deal. It is a red front loader that cleans my clothes and doesn't put in new stains and hardly makes any noise at all. I think some of the previous stains have even come out. I love this new machine and we got it for only $480 minus 50 bucks in a rebate for buying such an efficient washing machine. AND it was brand spanking new!! Welcome home beautiful washing machine. Welcome home!


  1. I love that washer! I bet it works wonders! Now you need to convince David to get the dryer too ;) haha because of COURSE you need them to match right?? ;)

  2. Love the machine. I bet it lasts for years to come. If David is like his dad, well, I have had kind of matching dryer and washer for maybe 10 years!

  3. Nice! I wish I had an excuse to get a new washer and dryer, haha. Good for you for putting up with that!
