Friday, February 25, 2011

what the...

I have contacts that stay in for a month and then I switch them out. Well this morning I woke up and one of them was missing. I searched my bed the floor Brantley's bassinet because it is on my side of the bed but I can find it anywhere. AND it was my last pair. I guess it is to the eye doctor's I go. Lame-o

1 comment:

  1. Taylor's dad had that happen once and it was still in his eye, but not where it should have been. Weird! OH my I want to hold Brantley SOOOO bad. He has seroiusly got to be one of THE cutest babies in THE world. No jokin here. LOVE HIM. Keep those pics and videos coming. I cherish them. P.S. David's "New" shoes crack me right up. As soon as I saw them I thought to myself "Those are the SAME ones as his older pair"s"!
