Thursday, February 24, 2011

About Time...

Well David broke down and finally bought a new pair of shoes. I have bought him shoes at least twice that he took back because he didn't like them and I tried taking him shoe shopping at least twice but to no avail. He couldn't ever find a pair that replaced the shoes that he loved. He has had the same kind of shoes since I have known him and even before that and I guess we aren't breaking the trend now. He found his pair of favorite pair of shoes. I am so happy for him. It is about time he got new shoes...he old ones (that he is still wearing) look horrible and they are starting to stink real bad. I am glad that he finally found his shoes!! The new pair

Bottoms completly worn off with rubber that flaps when he walks

The insides compeletly worn out

The new shoes compared to the old!!
I sure do love my hubby!!!


  1. All I can say is, hip, hip hooray for new shoes. Those others look like, shall I say it? trash! Hey, he could try out for the stinkiest sneaker contest!

  2. wow the shoe comparison is kind of gross! but good for david for wearing out their use 100%!
