Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Poor Boy...

Well...No matter how hard we tried to keep Brantley well we must not have tried hard enough. Brantley currently has RSV. The poor little guy. He has the worst sounding cough and a horrible stuffy nose. There are only a few things I hate about motherhood and here they are.
1. A sick child
2. My baby in pain
and last but not least
3. Sucking out snot with the snot bulb.

I hate feeling like I can't help him. Sometimes he coughs so hard he throws up. I wish I could just take his sickness from him. He hates getting his snot sucked out too. He just seems. I hate it. But slowly and surely he is getting better it has been one week now so I am hoping we are finally on the down hill. BUT even though he has been sick he is still a fantastic baby. He still sleeps SO good at night. Sometimes he wakes up because he coughs but he just goes right back to sleep. He doesn't cry anymore than usual. Still only when he is hungry and super tired. He is such a good baby. I love him more than words can say. I just wish he would get better faster.


  1. Poor baby :( Get better soon Brantley!

  2. Poor baby!! That is terrible!! I hope he gets better soon. I have been bad about keeping Wyatt home lately, I really need to start being better about it.

  3. You are doing a great job with him. I'm glad he is slowly getting better.
