Saturday, February 18, 2012

Bison Round Up

At the beginning of November David got to go out to Antelope Island and help with the bison round up. He spent two days out there and Brantley and I went to pick him up at night. It was freezing! But he had a lot of fun. Sorry it is a little blurry, but here are some bison at the top of the hill early in the morning.

They would run the bison through this shoot to give needed shots and tag new calf's.

Taggin an ear

and letting it go again

Brantley loved watching them run out of the shoot and seeing them and all other types of wildlife.

1 comment:

  1. I loved all your family pics Camille. And I didn't know that David got to do the Bison Roundup at Antelope Island! Look at what I learn from your blog.!
