Saturday, February 18, 2012

Someone we are going to miss and fun pictures of Brantley

This was the last vistit from Brantleys nurse Margaret. She has come to see Brantley every month since we got to bring Brantley home. She was a heaven send for me. She was my personal go-to-lady when I had any questions about Brantley and his development. She came to our home every month to check on Brantleys progress. She also always brought a scale and a measure for Brantleys height. She stayed for as long as we needed her and sometimes I had a lot of questions and she was there for over an hour and a half. We are really going to miss her visits. But we are so gratful for all the help and advice that she gave us. Our fun little guy! I can't believe how big he has gotten and what such a little personality he has.

Brantley will hardly NEVER sit longer than 2 minutes for anything unless it is reading a book

This is usually what I get when I ask Brantley to say "cheese"

He was just chillin by his toys

Look at Brantley and daddy both wearing hats!!!

Brantley still LOVES his bath times. We went through a phase where I couldn't even get him in the bathroom when the water was running but he is back to his usual self and loves getting in and spending as much time in there as we will let him.

Unless you pour water over his head and then he is ready to get out!! Funny boy

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute!!! I think that he looks a lot like Byron. Must have a little Kroeger in him! He is getting so big!
