Brantley sure loves his daddy!!
He also loves playing in his toy cubby. He mainly loves to pull out all his toys and dump them out so he can play with the container they are in. Silly boy!
I love these two!!
A month old
I love her smiles!!
When ever I try to take a picture of Braylee, Brantley wants to be a part of it!
My little guy is getting so big!!!
Brantley loves to just sit by the door. He also loves company when he is sitting there. Today he wanted his monkey to sit by him.
Learning to smile
Braylee LOVES LOVES LOVES her baths. I love giving her baths. I do NOT like getting her out and she doesn't like to get out. She will cry and cry until she is fully dressed and snuggled.
She is getting so strong and doing so good with her neck.
Our good friend Macey bought Braylee this adorable skirt and some hair clips to match. So I had to put Braylee in it and take some pictures. I would say that she loves it too.
Thanks Macey!!!
The container on their heads is the one I mentioned above that usually holds all of his toys. Brantley loves when Daddy is home and loves playing with him...
inside and
Life isn't boring to say the least. Both Brantley and Braylee keep us very busy and Brantley is always making us laugh!
OH you're kids are so cute! I think Brantley looks a lot like Byron. Especially when he smiles. Fun times!