Our little Braylee Sage is two months old and I can hardly believe it. She is so much fun to have in our home and we love her so much. Here is a little bit about her...
Weighs 9 pounds 1 ounce
21.75 inches long
She is in the 25th percentile (she was in the 5th when she was born)
Sleeps 7 to 8 hours at night!
Nurses like a champ but eats about 4-5 oz
Eats every 3 to 4 hours but sometimes close to bed time she will want to eat every hour
Wears 1-2 size diapers
Just starting to wear 0-3 month clothes
Smiles all the time now
She can hold her head up on her own for about a minute or two by herself
She loves when Brantley talks to her and gives her soft kisses
Has bronchitis but is still very pleasant
only cries when she is hungry
sleeps in her swing because she refuses to sleep anywhere else
We sure love you Bray! Happy two month birthday!!!
I LOVE this picture of her! what a doll.