Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Brantley and his elk call

We are very often going over animal sounds with Brantley. He knows what sounds a horse, cow, duck, chicken, elephant, dog, cat, hyena, snake, fish, and more but the other day he made a sound we had not practiced with him. I have decided his favorite animal is an elk. If he sees the computer he says "elk" and we will usually watch 4 or 5 videos of elk on YouTube. But the other night we were doing Brantley's bed time routine and just about to pray when Brantley let out a sound we hadn't heard before. Both David and I looked at each other and said "was that an elk" to which Brantley replied "yeah" and continued giving us his elk sounds. The past couple of days have been filled with elk and we are loving it. But today I finally decided to try getting it on camera. Earlier today Brantley had thrown a piece of paper on the ground and I had asked him to pick it up. He told me no and so I gave him the option of going to sit in time out or he could pick up the paper. He chose to sit in time out. I told him that was fine but when he was done to come out he could pick up the paper and be done. So he happily sat down and looked at me and smiled. Then proceeded to make elk sounds. I thought it would be a good time to catch him so I grabbed my phone and started recording, but as soon as he saw it he said "see" meaning he wanted to see what I had just done. I told him I hadn't taken anything yet and there was nothing to see.

Brantley: see
Mom: there isn't anything to see I haven't recorded anything yet
Brantley: see
Mom: "no there isn't anything to see"
Brantley: more desperately "SEE"
Mom: No Brantley there you can't watch anything until I get to record you doing an elk
Brantley: flopped on the floor starting to fake cry SSEEEEEEE!!
This is what happened next...
The little stinker can do it so much better but this video made me laugh real hard. Five minutes later sitting at the table getting ready to eat lunch Brantley, of course, started making really good elk sounds again. So I got my camera out again and took this video....
He makes me laugh so hard. He is so smart and funny and I just can't get enough of him. One minute he makes me so frustrated I could tear my hair out and then the next he is giving me hugs and loves and making me laugh. I am so glad that we have the hard times so we can appreciate the good times better. Not only that but they make for really good memories. I am glad he finally let me get the elk sound on video!!

1 comment:

  1. Love all the updates!! Brantley's Elk call is darling!!! Your kids are so stinkin cute. I'm glad you got the chance to go to marsh lake, I know Debbie was glad Dave showed up to save them from the toilet bat
