Thursday, April 8, 2010

One more thing....

I am married to the most wonderful person. He has been so helpful and has assisted me with every want and need. With out complaint! We went and got juice for me, made me chicken noodle soup, brings me water and juice in bed, went to the store again to get me some Tylenol, offered to carry me from room to room because I get so dizzy and nauseous when I stand up, continues to bring me what ever my heart desires, went to the store again to get some popsicles to see if I could get rid of my fever maybe keep something down. Well my fever went away, but the popsicle came back up only a few hours later. He tells me that he loves me all the time and that I am beautiful, even though I don't feel beautiful and look like a mess. I love you David more than words will ever be able to tell!


  1. Sounds like you are still sick. I'm so sorry that you got hit so hard. I'm glad our son is a good nurturer and is fulfilling your needs and wants and loves you so much!

  2. Aww what a sweet hubby! CAMILLE!! You're starting to scare me! You need to start getting better pronto!!! Love you lots!!
