Friday, February 25, 2011
what the...
I have contacts that stay in for a month and then I switch them out. Well this morning I woke up and one of them was missing. I searched my bed the floor Brantley's bassinet because it is on my side of the bed but I can find it anywhere. AND it was my last pair. I guess it is to the eye doctor's I go. Lame-o
Thursday, February 24, 2011
4 Months Old....WHAT!!!
My baby is growing up right before my eyes and I can't do anything about it. He is still such a good baby. Here is a little bit that has been going on...
*No longer fits in new born clothes.
*Weighs about 12 pounds
*Smiles all the time
*Still isn't giggling but we are getting closer
*We have a bed time routine where we read a couple of scriptures and say a family prayer, then we sing a song and David or I read him a story and put him in bed and he goes right to sleep.
*He sleeps 7 to 8 hours through the night
*Loves to be held
*Wiggles constantly
*Chews on his hands
*Talks all the time
*Is fine just sitting in his swing or bouncer while mommy cleans or scrapbooks and he just talks and looks around.
*Still has blue eyes (I think this is going to be his permanent color)
*Loves spending time with his daddy.
We love our little guy, everyday just gets better and better. We are so very blessed to have him as part of our family.
*No longer fits in new born clothes.
*Weighs about 12 pounds
*Smiles all the time
*Still isn't giggling but we are getting closer
*We have a bed time routine where we read a couple of scriptures and say a family prayer, then we sing a song and David or I read him a story and put him in bed and he goes right to sleep.
*He sleeps 7 to 8 hours through the night
*Loves to be held
*Wiggles constantly
*Chews on his hands
*Talks all the time
*Is fine just sitting in his swing or bouncer while mommy cleans or scrapbooks and he just talks and looks around.
*Still has blue eyes (I think this is going to be his permanent color)
*Loves spending time with his daddy.
We love our little guy, everyday just gets better and better. We are so very blessed to have him as part of our family.
About Time...
Well David broke down and finally bought a new pair of shoes. I have bought him shoes at least twice that he took back because he didn't like them and I tried taking him shoe shopping at least twice but to no avail. He couldn't ever find a pair that replaced the shoes that he loved. He has had the same kind of shoes since I have known him and even before that and I guess we aren't breaking the trend now. He found his pair of favorite pair of shoes. I am so happy for him. It is about time he got new shoes...he old ones (that he is still wearing) look horrible and they are starting to stink real bad. I am glad that he finally found his shoes!!
The new pair
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
I need a hobby!! Not that I don't love taking care of Brantley and cleaning all the time but I need something else to do with my time. Any ideas?
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Poor Boy...
Well...No matter how hard we tried to keep Brantley well we must not have tried hard enough. Brantley currently has RSV. The poor little guy. He has the worst sounding cough and a horrible stuffy nose. There are only a few things I hate about motherhood and here they are.
1. A sick child
2. My baby in pain
and last but not least
3. Sucking out snot with the snot bulb.
I hate feeling like I can't help him. Sometimes he coughs so hard he throws up. I wish I could just take his sickness from him. He hates getting his snot sucked out too. He just seems. I hate it. But slowly and surely he is getting better it has been one week now so I am hoping we are finally on the down hill. BUT even though he has been sick he is still a fantastic baby. He still sleeps SO good at night. Sometimes he wakes up because he coughs but he just goes right back to sleep. He doesn't cry anymore than usual. Still only when he is hungry and super tired. He is such a good baby. I love him more than words can say. I just wish he would get better faster.
1. A sick child
2. My baby in pain
and last but not least
3. Sucking out snot with the snot bulb.
I hate feeling like I can't help him. Sometimes he coughs so hard he throws up. I wish I could just take his sickness from him. He hates getting his snot sucked out too. He just seems. I hate it. But slowly and surely he is getting better it has been one week now so I am hoping we are finally on the down hill. BUT even though he has been sick he is still a fantastic baby. He still sleeps SO good at night. Sometimes he wakes up because he coughs but he just goes right back to sleep. He doesn't cry anymore than usual. Still only when he is hungry and super tired. He is such a good baby. I love him more than words can say. I just wish he would get better faster.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Random Pictures and Videos of Brantley in no special order
At Grandma and Grandpa Smedley's house after his Blessing.
Brantley trying to smile. He smiles all the time but as soon as I bring out the camera I can't hardly get him to so this is the best I can get.
Brantley to busy to eat because he is looking around.
Brantley and some tummy time.
Brantley was supposed to be sleeping. When i put him in his bed he was sleeping...not even 2 minutes later he starts crying and when I go in I am greeted by this.
Brantley's Blessing Day--February 6th, 2011--
Brantley's blessing day went so well. We decided to have Brantley blessed up in Layton so that all of our family could come. We blessed him in David's old ward (his parents ward and Brother's ward). David was so nervous but he gave Brantley a beautiful blessing. Afterward we went over to David's parents house for a luncheon. But during church Brantley did so well. He slept the whole time and I loved being there with my cute little family. The food was great. We had ham and funeral potato's, rolls, a variety of salads and desserts. It was delicious! We appreciate all that helped especially my mother. She helped me so much I don't think I could have pulled it off as smoothly without her.
Kroeger Family---
Pictures at Grandma and Grandpa's house

We thank everyone for coming. We loved seeing everyone and finally being able to introduce Brantley to family that hadn't had the chance to meet him yet. We had some wonderful friends that drove up from Provo to be there with us (Thanks Johnny and Sarah) and we had family from Mountain green and Brigham City. We felt so blessed and loved.
MIA (Varci, Benji, Kali, Taylor, Kenzi, Brooke
AND most important
Grandma and Grandpa Smedley)

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