Weighs 21 pounds 4 ounces
Is 29 1/2 inches tall
Eats every 4 hours (3 times a day)
still sleeps from 7:30pm to 7:30 am
takes 2 naps 1-hour naps during the day
crawls everywhere
pulls himself up to furniture and walks around it.
Has two teeth
Wears 12 month shirts
Wears 6-9 Month pants
Is in size 4 diapers
Claps and waves
Doesn't sit through church well
Loves other children
Prefers table foods.....won't eat bottled baby food very much. He wants to eat what we eat.
Has two teeth
Can drink from a straw
Loves attention and we love giving it to him.
Loves books and being read to
We love you Brantley!!!
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