Sunday, October 30, 2011

12 Months

Over one year old. I still can't believe it. I have pictures coming of his one year that we just had taken. So I will get one up here as soon as I get them. But in the mean time here are some things that have been going on with Brantley

Weighs 22 pounds 6 ounces

30.2 inches long

Wears size 4 diapers

Mostly only eats table food.

Drinks everything but formula from a sippy cup (I am just finishing up my open can of formula before we are finished with drinking formula forever with Brantley)

Eats every 4 hours

Still sleeps like a champ. Just about 12 hours at night with two naps during the day.

Has the temper of a two year old. He knows what he wants and will do everything in his power to get it.

Doesn't like being restrained. Hates the car seat, changing table, high chair....

Loves people

Very cuddly

Wears 12 month cloths both in pants and tops

has 2 teeth on top and bottom

took 2 steps on his own, but hasn't done it since.

He is still the joy of our life and we are so glad that he is part of our family. We love you Brantley


  1. He is getting to be a chunker isn't he? What a cutie and what a pleasant little guy!

  2. Happy Birthday to Brantley and David!! Can't believe how fast time flies.
