I can't believe this little one is eight months old. I know I say that each passing month but time just goes way to fast. This little one keeps us on our toes and we love her sweet little spirit that she brings to our family. Her is a little about her as of lately...
*Weighs 16 pounds 8 ounces (or she did when we went a few weeks ago. She has since been sick and I think she has lost some weight because she hasn't been eating well.)
*Wears size 3 diapers
* Wears mostly 3-6 month clothes but we are transitioning to 6-9.
* Takes 2-3 naps a day. One at 9am for an hour and another at 1:30 for 2 to 3 hours. Sometimes she will take another one around 5 but not very often.
* Goes to sleep at 8:30 and will sleep until between 7 and 8 or 11-12 hours.
* Sits and gets down from sitting to roll
* Rolls everywhere
*Digs toes into the ground and is starting to push up into crawling position (crawling is NOT far away)
* Eats 5-8 oz and has baby food 3 times a day. Her favorite is still prunes but she will eat anything
* Loves finger food and is really good at pinching food with her fingers and bringing it to her mouth. She LOVES bread and eggs.
* Laughs a lot, especially at Brantley
* Loves being held
* Doesn't like to be left alone to play by herself. She likes to be where the people are.
* Loves to stand
*Loves being outside
*Loves everything about water....drinking it, bathing in it, swimming in it she just loves it all.
*She is so easy to make smile and smiles at everyone
*Has sticky fingers....will grab anything that is put in front or anything she can get her hands on.
*says ba ba and da da
*Starting to wave
*Starting to clap
*LOVES to give kisses
We sure do love this little one.
First time having a sucker. This face is actually a sour face not a crying one. She loved the sucker and just wanted more and more.
My cute little sleeper. She sleeps just like her mama!
Always happy when she is getting attention!
Always wiggly wiggly wiggly. If your not moving she wants down so she can move by herself
My baby girl is getting so big!! Love her!