Monday, March 11, 2013

December (picture overload)

 December was filled with wonderful memories and experiences  Braylee started real food. She wasn't quite sure how she felt about it.
Her face after trying some baby cereal

 Little miss Braylee is a water bug! She LOVES LOVES LOVES bath time.

We went to the Wee Care Centers Christmas party. I was so sad realizing that this was my last little shin-dig there. Brantley and Braylee had some good times and we will surely miss all the teachers.

 We love Jamie! She was so good especially for Brantley. If it wasn't for this wonderful lady Brantley would have had a horrible summer and last semester!
 Brantley loved having daddy some walk around the school with him!

 These were Brantley's classroom teachers. They gave me a whole bunch of work Brantley had done throughout the semester. (I cried a little)
 This was one of Brantleys best friends. Isabella! She is so cute. Brantley still asks about her.
 Karen was Brantleys teacher in the infant room and in the pre-toddler room for a little while. Then she moved back to the infant room where she got to take care of Braylee. We LOVED her! She is Isabella s mom!
This is cute Riley. She was not one of Brantleys teachers but she brought Brantley treats all the time in his classes.  We will miss the Wee Care!

Braylees cute funny face! Kissy Kissy

 Brantley loves books. He is always asking for me to lay her down so he can read to her.
 Five years and two kids later I did it. I earned my bachelors. This is me getting home after my last final EVER!! What a good feeling!

We always have a fun nativity play where all the chillins dress up. Brantley kept on his shepard outfit for a total of 30 seconds. But I love watching the kids. They crack me right up.

 We also have a tradition of making ginger bread houses but this year we did trains instead. David did most of the work.
 Fun Times with cousins 
 These two are gonna be little trouble makers!
I didn't have my camera charged so I didn't get any pictures of Braylee but a caught a few of Brantley before it died. We had a great Christmas. We spent it at my moms and dads. I few of our favorite presents are I got a new skirt, Brantley got fun toys, Braylee got new clothes, and David got some chocolate!

My new skirt! I love it!! David picked it out well.

 Cute boy that also loves bath time!
 Love this little cheeser.

This year was the first time Brantley got to go outside and play in the snow. HE LOVED IT. We had so much fun playing outside. He was exhausted when we came in but he wanted to spend all this time outside.

 We also bundles Braylee up and went and played with Davids sisters family. We had fun for the 10 minutes we were out there:D

 Brantleys favorite part of playing with Pollys family is being with Carson. These two are a hoot to watch.


 Brantley got a new red trike for Christmas. We are still learning how to use it.

Brantley loves to sing, dance, and jump. Especially when someone is watching or recording!

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