Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Bryce Canyon

Last week we (the kids and I) had the opportunity to go with David down to Bryce Canyon  for the Wildlife Society Meeting. Last year we went to Zions, so it was fun going to a different national park. We stayed for two nights and three days. The kiddos did pretty well on the way down. Brantley struggled the last hour of the three hour drive but Braylee pretty much slept the whole way and we can thank her cold for that. Wednesday night was a little bit of a joke, sleeping wise, Brantley woke up at least 4 times crying out, probably because he was in a strange place. Braylee woke up throwing up and could hardly stop coughing. So I slept by Brantley to keep him calm and David slept by Braylee to keep her slightly elevated. It was a terrible night sleep for us with active sleeping children. But Thursday night was much better. Thursday we mostly played in the hotel room since it was a little bit to cold to play outside but we did go swimming. Braylee LOVED LOVED LOVED it. Brantley took a little coaxing to get in but once he was in he cried when it was time to get out. We also went to see the poster David made to represent his project for work. He did such a good job. The poster looked amazing and we believe he would have won the poster contest had not the judge also been a proud poster owner who won of course..
Friday we got to go to the park. We went on a little hike that allowed strollers but wasn't too long because it was a little to cold for my kiddos that we already sick. The view was beautiful and the pictures I took don't do justice. One day David and I want to go back so we can do more exploring with our strollers but for now it was a fun family experience.   

 Brantley's favorite part was throwing rocks. He didn't care about the view....just watching the rocks go down hill. It scared David and I to have him so close to the edge so he mostly go to throw them on the side that wasn't a cliff.

 On the way home we stopped and got some delicious pizza with some of the best breadsticks I have ever had.

 Brantley had a great time eating his pizza.
We had a great time. But next year if I go I will go without Brantley and Braylee. :D

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