Thursday, November 12, 2009

2nd attack in self defense....

So......I was attacked again today, but this time I got pictures!! This guy wasn't the same as last time but not any smaller.
I have learned a lot in my self defense class and would encourage every woman to take a class like this. I have become a lot more aware of my surroundings and how to not look like a victim. Everything in this class can be applied to real life and I feel that if I was in a scary situation I would be able to handle it. But hopefully I wont have to test my skills:D
This is my attack....

Everyone in the class wanted my teacher to try so this is of him...


  1. Camille! You are tough stuff! What a great thing you are learning. Bring your tips at Thanksgiving to give to me :) I loved the video's. You did a great job!

  2. WOO HOO!! Look at you go!! That looks like an awesome class!
