Sunday, November 1, 2009

Davids hair is gone....all least in one spot anyway!!

David was giving himself a haircut on Halloween before we left to head up north to see family and while he was cutting it he thought he was done so he took off the 3" tip thing, then felt his hair, and thought that a part needed a little bit more trimming, so he picked up his buzzer and started to "trim" and just has the buzzer he realized that he didn't put the tip back on. The poor boy. He was horrified. Where he cut is to far up to shave up but it is big enough that people will really notice. His hats don't cover it, and he doesn't know what to do. I say we should carve the word I C E in his hair...I think it would fit nicely and look real cool.
At church today David got lots of questions about what happened and one of the guys from the ward offered to fix it. David took him up on it, and even though he didn't make the slice disappear he made it less noticeable. His slice isn't near as noticable and
I think he looks fanstatic!

1 comment:

  1. You guys looked great! I can't wait to see all these pics you are supposedly posting! Are you going to post pics of the pumpkins too!?
