Well I am not hating pregnancy anymore. I am actually kind of liking it.
This is what I have been feeling lately.
I am starting to like food again, I can eat more normally.
I am starting to like food again, I can eat more normally.
I am back to making dinner.
I still have a very sensitive gag reflex when it comes to smells and body functions.
I still don't have any cravings, besides a simple craving that only last for like a few minutes.
My belly is getting a little bigger, some say I am starting to look a little more prego! Which makes me happy.
I still haven't felt movement...or at least I don't think I have.
I am still very tired all the time.
I still eat a lot.
I am very emotional. I cry all the time
(okay that really isn't that big of change but now I have something to blame it on!)
I am not very comfortable at night, but I think I am getting used to it, because I am starting to sleep better.
I am very excited to be pregnant and I am becoming more and more excited every day to find out what we are having and even more excited to meet our baby in December.
Oh Camillie, you are so cute!!! I'm so excited for you!