Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fish Lake!!! (pictures coming later)

Okay so we finally got to go on a camping trip with my WHOLE family (almost, we missed Celika and Hayden). We had so much fun! We went to Fish Lake. Nathan and his cute family came. We don't get to see them much so it was a ball having them around. There were many times their kids made me laugh out loud with funny things they said.
We spent the days down there not doing a whole lot, mostly trying to stay cool. I was so surprised how hot it was. David fished...and he did really well. He heard that Fish Lake has Perch and so he looked up recipes and found one that was pretty tasty. He caught over 25 in less than 2 hours, but he wasn't the only one who did well. Fish Lake isn't called Fish Lake for no reason.
Not only was this place new for our family to visit, my parents had a brand new trailer. It was awesome! There was so much space in there.
Since this was the families first time at a new place, we weren't really sure of the things to do there besides go fishing at the lake. So my mother created a shape treasure hunt for all the kids. At each station she had a clue and the kids had to guess the shape and then do an activity that related to it. For example they played Red Light, Green Light with the octagon. With the circle they played a ring toss. Such a cute idea and it kept the kids entertained.
Debbie had family home evening this month and she, had it up there with everyone. She did a scavenger hunt. At each station she had hidden a story of some kind and a letter and at the end you put all your letters that you gathered together to guess what the topic was.
We really liked Fish Lake, and hopefully the family will continue going there. We had a nice relaxing weekend. Thanks Mom and Dad for supplying the trailer and boat and everything else!

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