Monday, May 2, 2011


HOLY SMOKES Where has the time gone. My baby is getting so big some of his personality is starting so show he makes me laugh every day and I can't even remember how my life was before we were blessed with him and I wouldn't go back. Here are some of the latest...

*Weighs about 16 and a half pounds

*Wears 6 month clothes but they are starting to get a little small

*Laughs, not just the little giggles that I have gotten before, but really laughs

*David got him to laugh for the first time May 1st.

*Only rolls from front to back. I am sure he could roll from back to front if he wanted. He rolls half of his body over but won't finish it off.

*Smiles at everyone, espically if they tell him he is cute

*Talks all the time, just baby sounds but I love listening to his little chatter

*Still sleeps in the bassinett right next to mommy. (I just couldn't let him go)

*Is in size 3 diapers

*Loves being outside

*Loves being held

*LOVES his binkie

*Still gets swaddled whenever he sleeps, but some how always manages to get his right arm out so he can put it above his head (just like mommy)

*snores like crazy

*Puts everything he can get his hands on in his mouth.

*Not on baby food just yet, still only formula

*has a blow out about every other day

*only eats 5 and 1/2 every 3 hours

*has a schedule that he still sticks too

*sleeps 10-12 hours at night.

*takes 4 1-hour naps a day

*holds his bottle for a few seconds

*can take his binking out and in but doesn't know how to let go so it stays in

*LOVES to stand
*has huge cheeks!!!:D

He is growing like a weed and brings such a joy to our lives. We love him so very very much!! And we are so glad that he is ours!


  1. He is making amazing progress Camille. He really is such a cute baby! You and David are very good parents. We are proud of you both!

  2. It's about time you blogged again! I loved catching up on all you guys are doing! Brantley is such a doll. I can't wait to see him in July. Also, you best be posting pics of that skirt!
