Monday, May 16, 2011

A fun night at the fishing pond

While we were up North Polly and Jordan invited us to go to the fishing pond in North Ogden. We had so much fun!!

Fishy Face

Can you see the fish?

Brantley loved the fish he just wanted to touch them

Looking for the perfect fishing pond

Kaylee fishing with her Daddy

Picking out the perfect fishing pole

Brantley just chilling with Daddy

Little Kaylee has a little bit of a traumatizing experience. She was just holding her pole in the pond. Polly and Jordan didn't think that the fish would actually bit the hook with out dumping in fish food. So the just let her hold it. Then all of a sudden a fish bit it and ripped the pole from her hands. She started crying and wouldn't fish the rest of the time. It was so dang funny especially since the pole that the fish took was floating around the pond where ever the fish took it. Jordan finally got it out. But it gave us all a great laugh.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Kaylee, such a sad little face to lose her pole. That is funny. I can just see it going around the fish pond! Brantley looks very comfy with his Daddy!
