Monday, May 2, 2011

I wish I could grow money on trees...

David tells me all the time "Camille you must think that money grows on trees". I know it really doesn't and I don't think that I spend it like it does but we sure could of used a money tree last month. We spent about $900-$1000 on cars. We got two new windshields, 4 new tires, two vehicle registrations, two safety and emissions inspections, and 4 tanks of gas. Who knew cars were so dang expensive. We don't' have the best vehicles but they get us from point A to B and I am so very grateful to have them.

I also have been working on some wedding presents and I printed of some of what I have been making at home but it took all the ink so David told me to go to the school where he should probably be cheaper. Well I made 3 of these things at home and it cost us about $15 dollars. I went to BYU and it cost me about $54. (I didn't know the price until I was paying for it, I guess I should have got a quote I just thought it would be cheaper.) NOTE TO SELF, DON'T EVER PRINT THESE THINGS AT BYU AGAIN!!!!

But I will say this past month has definitely made me appreciate what I have. I know I don't have a lot but I have what I need. I am happy with the little apartment and my little family. We have been so blessed and even though we don't have a lot of money to spare and this past month has been a struggle financially the Lord has blessed us and we haven't gone with out the things that we need and we still have had a little extra to share with others in need.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go. Tough times sure make you appreciate the good times, for sure!
