Monday, May 9, 2011

My first REAL Mothers Day and other things

I had a wonderful Mothers Day. On Saturday David and I went on a long needed date. We went clay pigeon shooting then to dinner at chuck-a-rama. We left Brantley with a friend while we went shooting but took him to dinner with us. I love spending time with my little family, but I especially loved just getting to be with David for a little while. Then on Sunday David took care of Brantley all morning and helped make dinner that night. We had my favorite dinner of chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls, jello, and corn. I only made the chicken and gravy. It was delicious. David also gave me a book and a warm delights hot fudge brownie thing that goes in the microwave (It looks so good!!). It was a wonderful day!! I love being a mom.

David and I used to go to a BYU student married ward. WE LOVED IT and everything about it. The people, the bishop, our callings and especially the 8:30am time. But almost all of the student wards were dissolved and so we got pushed into a real family ward. Well yesterday was our first time. We aren't really fond of the 1:00 time but the ward was SO nice. I had so many people come up to me and some of my friends that got sent over there with us. The bishopric is so young and also very nice and the bishop seems to be very on top of things. I think this ward will be great! I was also very surprised to find out that this family ward is a lot like the student ward in a lot of ways. They have lots of students and the bishop said that they have about 60% turnover about once a year. That's a lot! But we will be here for a while and we are excited for our new adventure!

Well I start school today. I am taking on 3 summer classes and I am having some mixed emotions. I am excited to go back and I am also excited that I graduate next December but I am not very excited about leaving Brantley behind. My wonderful friend April has volunteered to watch Brantley while I go. Bless her heart. I just don't' like leaving him for long period of time. I would like to leave him with David but that poor man is ALWAYS working!! These next few weeks for David he works (most of the time it may change a little) Tuesday through Friday morning. He doesn't come home. Brantley and I sure do miss him. But I am so grateful for the wonderful neighbors and friends that we have they make being alone not so lonely! Anyway school here I come. Wish me luck!!!


  1. It's very hard to leave your baby, but believe me when I tell you, it is much easier to finish your education when you only have one child!! Having two makes it pretty near impossible to accomplish anything, but oh are they ever worth it!!

  2. good luck with school! said wish you luck, so there you go! :-)

  3. You will do great with school. Glad you have such good friends to keep you company while Davey boy is gone.

  4. I hope your first week of school went great. Good luck with it all,and what a blessing to have good friends so you can get finished with your goal of graduation.
